Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Gb Traffic improvements - process memory use and traffic(load)
Gb Traffic improvements - process memory use and traffic(load)
Friday, 12 December 2008
Blockus - it's a bad idea to forget about ALL your opponents!
Blockus tournament game today.
Paul James Mike Dave.
Dave attacked Mike and Mike got sucked in.
James and Paul had fun squeezing first poor Dave then Mike out.
Scores: 0 0 23 43

Look at the lovely big fertile blank area :)
Paul James Mike Dave.
Dave attacked Mike and Mike got sucked in.
James and Paul had fun squeezing first poor Dave then Mike out.
Scores: 0 0 23 43
Look at the lovely big fertile blank area :)
Thursday, 11 December 2008
receiving oddly shaped packages in the office
If you receive a package labeled "metal detector" in Ireland you might get teased a little bit about it. :)

The "control" box has some paper engineering showing nothing/dig/dig FRanTiCallY.
Very nice. See the real metal detector in box on floor.
Rechargable batteries and Led and energy saving lightbulbs also from maplin.
But where's the capacitor for the sewing machine? :(
Too small?
The "control" box has some paper engineering showing nothing/dig/dig FRanTiCallY.
Very nice. See the real metal detector in box on floor.
Rechargable batteries and Led and energy saving lightbulbs also from maplin.
But where's the capacitor for the sewing machine? :(
Too small?
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Oliver week Dec 1-6
Quite a mad week.
Week and weekend before rehersals. Costumes and pieces come together.
Also on Sat loading set into truck from warehouse and collecting lots of wood and likely props from container.
And on Sun unloading truck into theatre. Good fun :)
Rehersal on Monday. Whole evening from 6 to 10.
We could watch kids a bit do their bits.
Run through in order - in Boy for Sale a disembodied voice (Helen) yelling go further over James!
During the week we come in from other side (House Left) and Ronnie gets a chimney sweeps brush by Thursday (as "there's always a sweep in Dickens" :) ). Quite enjoyable pretending to size up the lad for sale and discussing different things (mostly in own head!) each night.
Consider yourself is next for me/us chorus adults.
That's the run into stage (past Dodger and Oliver with wheelbarrow coming off) middle front for me with Deirdre.
SING and prance. Pause briefly "yadda rhubarb". SING and prance and walk off "chat yadda".
It took us a good while (right from the start of all the rehersals) before we weren't making a mess and fogetting each step/action. I hadn't a partner for it for a while. I think the girls took it in hand one week and more or less decided I might just about be able to do the dance (after ALOT of practice). Not sure. Brilliant fun to dance with D. Lovely to turn to an amazing smile at "we're going to get along".
Act II opens with oom pah pah.
No tables for oom pah pah. A bit more awkward as we were able to lazily lean on the tables.
I quite like oom pah pah! :) In rehersals John Power gets up to introduce Nancy singing "Goddess of virtue" "uohhhh" and I call over Niamh to sit on my knee. At end of oom pah pah we all get up and go in hailing Nancy but then "It's Bill Sikes" yikes scared and Caoimhe was on my knee. On stage we were standing but after Bill Sikes came it changed a bit - usually cowered in corner with Valerie and John and CiarĂ¡n when he got thrown over to us.
Later on walk on stage for singing who will buy (reprise) as dancers come in again.
Then down onto street to see Oliver get caught.
And off.
On again just after Nancy's murder is discovered and off as a lynch mob to catch Fagin in the 3 cripples.
Finally the finale. Mash through crowd each night to get closeish to front. If I find Valerie I'm about okay. Kids first all up around platforms. Then chorus in - Consider yourself - no dance. Then Oliver comes into middle. Then 2nd principles and principles.
Shows each night Tue - Sat with 2 on Thur and Sat.
No bother with the chorus pieces for me but after bringing coffin's on/off or table off I feel a teeny bit shaky at start.
Unrehearsed bit. Big coffin is awkward. Though I quite like it :) chuffed. Very funny that.
Oh oh! I got to fire the gun on stage Tue. :) And kill poor Bill.
Took aim, click! misfire. :-o steady. BANG! uohh pretty sparks.
It's loud and makes peoples ears sore :( Chris fired it Tue and it was fired offstage Wed/Thur/Fri and Carl did the deed each night.
Thursday night party in Liam&Ailish's house.
Before that home and chat. Fionn's Mum & Dad came to see the show with Sheila.
Chat then later singing songs. Carmel lovely depressionb/railroads/...? song. Chris piano. Hilary guitar. Everyone singing :)
Good fun. 2 beer party for me. too much singing :)
Everyone cleared out at? 2? Probably. Except for a couple of people smoking out the back!
Last performance Sat 8-10.
Set disassembled and truck loaded at end of play. Daire home with Ray & Fiona & kids.
Party on Saturday in Dundrum in a little Spanish restaurant - Buona Sera. OMFGIWFBIFIL22T! :) W2TA4O5C.
And jaypers too.
Daire got home from kids party 2:30. I got home 8am. Taxi with Lisa, Carl Niamh. Frosty.
Sunday bed 8am, up 1:30.
At 2pm unloaded truck full of the stage set again at Nick's house. (cycle out)
I had thought there'd be maybe one or two people missing but not at all!
Kids and I got our Christmas tree Sunday too in Murphystown stone.
Kids decorated it all themselves.
Monday 9 kids did not have school so I was at home with them.
Did merges for work though - about 4 of them.
Tue work from, home. Fionn to funeral in Cork.
Wed back to work.
Thur & Fri I also took holidays and I was sooo relaxed after Thur.
BUT now (Tue Dec 10 I've got an awful chesty cough. ARGH! :-( BAH.
Week and weekend before rehersals. Costumes and pieces come together.
Also on Sat loading set into truck from warehouse and collecting lots of wood and likely props from container.
And on Sun unloading truck into theatre. Good fun :)
Rehersal on Monday. Whole evening from 6 to 10.
We could watch kids a bit do their bits.
Run through in order - in Boy for Sale a disembodied voice (Helen) yelling go further over James!
During the week we come in from other side (House Left) and Ronnie gets a chimney sweeps brush by Thursday (as "there's always a sweep in Dickens" :) ). Quite enjoyable pretending to size up the lad for sale and discussing different things (mostly in own head!) each night.
Consider yourself is next for me/us chorus adults.
That's the run into stage (past Dodger and Oliver with wheelbarrow coming off) middle front for me with Deirdre.
SING and prance. Pause briefly "yadda rhubarb". SING and prance and walk off "chat yadda".
It took us a good while (right from the start of all the rehersals) before we weren't making a mess and fogetting each step/action. I hadn't a partner for it for a while. I think the girls took it in hand one week and more or less decided I might just about be able to do the dance (after ALOT of practice). Not sure. Brilliant fun to dance with D. Lovely to turn to an amazing smile at "we're going to get along".
Act II opens with oom pah pah.
No tables for oom pah pah. A bit more awkward as we were able to lazily lean on the tables.
I quite like oom pah pah! :) In rehersals John Power gets up to introduce Nancy singing "Goddess of virtue" "uohhhh" and I call over Niamh to sit on my knee. At end of oom pah pah we all get up and go in hailing Nancy but then "It's Bill Sikes" yikes scared and Caoimhe was on my knee. On stage we were standing but after Bill Sikes came it changed a bit - usually cowered in corner with Valerie and John and CiarĂ¡n when he got thrown over to us.
Later on walk on stage for singing who will buy (reprise) as dancers come in again.
Then down onto street to see Oliver get caught.
And off.
On again just after Nancy's murder is discovered and off as a lynch mob to catch Fagin in the 3 cripples.
Finally the finale. Mash through crowd each night to get closeish to front. If I find Valerie I'm about okay. Kids first all up around platforms. Then chorus in - Consider yourself - no dance. Then Oliver comes into middle. Then 2nd principles and principles.
Shows each night Tue - Sat with 2 on Thur and Sat.
No bother with the chorus pieces for me but after bringing coffin's on/off or table off I feel a teeny bit shaky at start.
Unrehearsed bit. Big coffin is awkward. Though I quite like it :) chuffed. Very funny that.
Oh oh! I got to fire the gun on stage Tue. :) And kill poor Bill.
Took aim, click! misfire. :-o steady. BANG! uohh pretty sparks.
It's loud and makes peoples ears sore :( Chris fired it Tue and it was fired offstage Wed/Thur/Fri and Carl did the deed each night.
Thursday night party in Liam&Ailish's house.
Before that home and chat. Fionn's Mum & Dad came to see the show with Sheila.
Chat then later singing songs. Carmel lovely depressionb/railroads/...? song. Chris piano. Hilary guitar. Everyone singing :)
Good fun. 2 beer party for me. too much singing :)
Everyone cleared out at? 2? Probably. Except for a couple of people smoking out the back!
Last performance Sat 8-10.
Set disassembled and truck loaded at end of play. Daire home with Ray & Fiona & kids.
Party on Saturday in Dundrum in a little Spanish restaurant - Buona Sera. OMFGIWFBIFIL22T! :) W2TA4O5C.
And jaypers too.
Daire got home from kids party 2:30. I got home 8am. Taxi with Lisa, Carl Niamh. Frosty.
Sunday bed 8am, up 1:30.
At 2pm unloaded truck full of the stage set again at Nick's house. (cycle out)
I had thought there'd be maybe one or two people missing but not at all!
Kids and I got our Christmas tree Sunday too in Murphystown stone.
Kids decorated it all themselves.
Monday 9 kids did not have school so I was at home with them.
Did merges for work though - about 4 of them.
Tue work from, home. Fionn to funeral in Cork.
Wed back to work.
Thur & Fri I also took holidays and I was sooo relaxed after Thur.
BUT now (Tue Dec 10 I've got an awful chesty cough. ARGH! :-( BAH.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Oliver playlist with backstage from my point of view
Here is something like what really happens backstage from my perspective (leaving out loads!)
get ALL the kids QUICK QUICK!
Go house Left with Ronnie, 2nd couple to walk on.
Consider purchasing scrawny orphan, chat silently, nod to other street people.
Exit house right (avoiding other couples going L, the undertaker Mr. Bumble ond Oliver exiting in middle!)
Offstage grab corner of coffin and lug it into place on stage.
Blackout. Go onstage, lid onto coffin, grab corner and lug it offstage.
Ready to enter from House Left, Chris Aoife James Dee .. ..
Watch out for wheelbarrow coming off.
Need to really RUSH on fast.
dance! sing! prance! SMILE! :D
exit House Right.
Hello Daire! Time for a cup of coffee and a biscuit and a chat for some adults.
onstage for curtain up for oom-pah-pah
This is all changed so not sure what's going on! At House R with Niamh at start.
After Bill Sykes arrives back to house R cowering with Caoimhe or Valerie or ...
pubness and drink (gin) and laughing and chatting.
Shocked when Nancy is slapped.
Leg it offstage House R when Bill Sykes shouts.
Scoot around to House L. After song blackout - grab table + cups exit House R.
nobody is walking on to buy strawberries/milk/... anymore
move into stage, up steps onto back platfrom.
Carl - Carmel and me - Gareth and John Power - Brendan below.
JOYOUSLY! :) to sky and other chorus singers
move into stage, chat to rose seller+Gareth.
Then looking at Nancy grabbing oliver. Then Bill Sykes.
Exit House L
Brownlow finds Nancy's body. "Murder Murder!" John Power in.
me and various street people coming in.
shock woe. who? what?
Emma - It's Nancy!
Bow-street-runners arrive. Search Fagin's den.
wah oh ... Bill Sykes appears up on bridge. Crowd spots him.
BANG! (James shot the poor fellow on Tuesday)
more shock woe ahhh.
Where's Fagin.
Crowd goes to 3 cripples to lynch Fagin.
Scene 1 Workhouse Dining Hall
get ALL the kids QUICK QUICK!
"Food, Glorious Food" Oliver, kids Chorus
"Please, sir. May I have some more?"
"Oliver, Oliver" Widow Corney, Mr Bumble, Oliver and kids
Scene 2 Workhouse Parlour ... and into Street
"I Shall Scream" Widow Corney, Mr Bumble
Go house Left with Ronnie, 2nd couple to walk on.
"Boy For Sale" Mr Bumble, Oliver, street people, Mr Sowerberry
Consider purchasing scrawny orphan, chat silently, nod to other street people.
Exit house right (avoiding other couples going L, the undertaker Mr. Bumble ond Oliver exiting in middle!)
Offstage grab corner of coffin and lug it into place on stage.
Scene 3 The Undertaker's
Liberal terms ...
"That's Your Funeral" Mr Sowerberry, Mrs Sowerberry, Mr Bumble
"Where is Love?" Oliver
morning - fight - ecape Oliver, Noah, Charlotte, Mr&Mrs Sowerberry, Bumble
Blackout. Go onstage, lid onto coffin, grab corner and lug it offstage.
Scene 4 Paddington Green
"Consider Yourself" Oliver meets Dodger
Ready to enter from House Left, Chris Aoife James Dee .. ..
Watch out for wheelbarrow coming off.
Need to really RUSH on fast.
"Consider Yourself" Adult Chorus
dance! sing! prance! SMILE! :D
exit House Right.
Scene 5/6 Thieves' Kitchen
Hello Daire! Time for a cup of coffee and a biscuit and a chat for some adults.
"Pick a Pocket or Two" Fagin and Gang
"It's a Fine Life" Nancy, Bet, Gang
"I'd Do Anything" Artful Dodger, Nancy, Bet, Oliver, Fagin, Gang
"Be Back Soon" Fagin and Gang
Scene ~7 Street
Oliver is caught stealing from Mr Brownlow. Dodger,Jack,Bow-Street-Runners
Scene 1 The Three Cripples
"Oom-Pah-Pah" Nancy and Company
onstage for curtain up for oom-pah-pah
This is all changed so not sure what's going on! At House R with Niamh at start.
After Bill Sykes arrives back to house R cowering with Caoimhe or Valerie or ...
pubness and drink (gin) and laughing and chatting.
"My Name" Bill Sikes
Shocked when Nancy is slapped.
Leg it offstage House R when Bill Sykes shouts.
"As Long as He Needs Me" Nancy
Scoot around to House L. After song blackout - grab table + cups exit House R.
Scene 2 The Brownlow's
"Where is Love?" (reprise) Mrs. Bedwin, Oliver
"Who Will Buy?" Oliver and Street sellers
nobody is walking on to buy strawberries/milk/... anymore
doctor's visit Mr Brownlow, Doctor, Oliver, Mrs Bedwin
Oliver goes with books Mr Brownlow, Doctor, Book boy, Oliver, Mrs Bedwin
move into stage, up steps onto back platfrom.
Carl - Carmel and me - Gareth and John Power - Brendan below.
"Who Will Buy?" Oliver and Street sellers and Chorus
JOYOUSLY! :) to sky and other chorus singers
Nancy catches Oliver
move into stage, chat to rose seller+Gareth.
Then looking at Nancy grabbing oliver. Then Bill Sykes.
Exit House L
Scene 3 Thieves' Kitchen
Nancy & Bill argument
"Reviewing the Situation" Fagin
Scene 4 Workhouse Parlour and into the Street
honeymoon bliss over for Mr and Mrs Bumble
old lady visits Mrs Bumble - locket
"Oliver" (reprise) Mrs Bumble, Mr Bumble
Scene 5 Mr Brownlow's and into the Street
... Mr Bumble, Mr Brownlow
... Nancy, Mr Brownlow
"As Long as He Needs Me" (reprise) Nancy
Scene 6 London Bridge
Nancy with Oliver caught by Bill Sykes and murdered, Mr Brownlow, street people, BSRs...
Brownlow finds Nancy's body. "Murder Murder!" John Power in.
me and various street people coming in.
shock woe. who? what?
Emma - It's Nancy!
Bow-street-runners arrive. Search Fagin's den.
wah oh ... Bill Sykes appears up on bridge. Crowd spots him.
BANG! (James shot the poor fellow on Tuesday)
more shock woe ahhh.
Where's Fagin.
Crowd goes to 3 cripples to lynch Fagin.
? "Reviewing the Situation" Fagin
Finale Full Company kids, adults
Oliver! musical play/scene list
I made playlist so I have a vague idea when to go where in the musical.
We've had 2 dress-rehersals Sun + Mon in theatre, staged dress rehersal Tue with full audience and and completely full performance last night.
Tonight a shorter show 5:15 then at 8:00 full performance. Then one Friday and on Saturday matinee + evening.
Snippets of songs (with the lyrics that tend to trip people up):
For finale:
We've had 2 dress-rehersals Sun + Mon in theatre, staged dress rehersal Tue with full audience and and completely full performance last night.
Tonight a shorter show 5:15 then at 8:00 full performance. Then one Friday and on Saturday matinee + evening.
Scene 1 Workhouse Dining Hall
"Food, Glorious Food" Oliver, kids Chorus
"Please, sir. May I have some more?"
"Oliver, Oliver" Widow Corney, Mr Bumble, Oliver and kids
Scene 2 Workhouse Parlour ... and into Street
"I Shall Scream" Widow Corney, Mr Bumble
"Boy For Sale" Mr Bumble, Oliver, street people, Mr Sowerberry
Scene 3 The Undertaker's
Liberal terms ...
"That's Your Funeral" Mr Sowerberry, Mrs Sowerberry, Mr Bumble
"Where is Love?" Oliver
morning - fight - ecape Oliver, Noah, Charlotte, Mr&Mrs Sowerberry, Bumble
Scene 4 Paddington Green
"Consider Yourself" Oliver meets Dodger
"Consider Yourself" Adult Chorus
Scene 5/6 Thieves' Kitchen
"Pick a Pocket or Two" Fagin and Gang
"It's a Fine Life" Nancy, Bet, Gang
"I'd Do Anything" Artful Dodger, Nancy, Bet, Oliver, Fagin, Gang
"Be Back Soon" Fagin and Gang
Scene ~7 Street
Oliver is caught stealing from Mr Brownlow – Dodger,Jack,Bow-Street-Runners
Scene 1 The Three Cripples
"Oom-Pah-Pah" Nancy and Company
"My Name" Bill Sikes
"As Long as He Needs Me" Nancy
Scene 2 The Brownlow's
"Where is Love?" (reprise) Mrs. Bedwin, Oliver
"Who Will Buy?" Oliver and Street sellers
doctor's visit Mr Brownlow, Doctor, Oliver, Mrs Bedwin
Oliver goes with books Mr Brownlow, Doctor, Book boy, Oliver, Mrs Bedwin
"Who Will Buy?" Oliver and Street sellers and Chorus
Nancy catches Oliver
Scene 3 Thieves' Kitchen
Nancy & Bill argument
"Reviewing the Situation" Fagin
Scene 4 Workhouse Parlour and into the Street
honeymoon bliss over for Mr and Mrs Bumble
old lady visits Mrs Bumble - locket
"Oliver" (reprise) Mrs Bumble, Mr Bumble
Scene 5 Mr Brownlow's and into the Street
... Mr Bumble, Mr Brownlow
... Nancy, Mr Brownlow
"As Long as He Needs Me" (reprise) Nancy
Scene 6 London Bridge
Nancy with Oliver caught by Bill Sykes and murdered, Mr Brownlow, street people, BSRs...
? "Reviewing the Situation" Fagin
Finale Full Company kids, adults
Snippets of songs (with the lyrics that tend to trip people up):
Consider yourself at home
Consider yourself one of the family
We've taken to you so strong.
It's clear we're going to get along.
Consider yourself well in
Consider yourself part of the furniture
There isn't a lot to spare
Who cares what ever we've got we share
If it should chance to be we should see some harder days
Empty larder days. Why grouse?
Always a chance we1ll meet somebody to foot the bill
Then the drinks are on the house.
[[ or second time round: ]]
Nobody tries to be lah-di-dah and uppity
There's a cup of tea for all
Only it's wise to be handy with a rolling pin
When the landlord comes to call
Consider yourself our mate
We don't want to have no fuss.
For after some consideration we can state
Consider yourself one of us!
Who will buy This wonderful morning?
Such a sky You never did see!
Who will tie It up with a ribbon
And put it in a box for me?
Who will buy This wonderful feeling?
I'm so high I swear I could fly.
Me, oh my! I don't want to lose it
So what am I to do To keep the sky so blue?
For finale:
I'd do anything
For you, dear, anything
For you mean ev'rything to me.
I know that I'd go anywhere Humm
For your smile, anywhere
For your smile ev'rywhere I'd see.
Let the clouds of grey come along Quietly
Never mind if they come along
Surely they won't stay very long
If you'll only say
You're mine alone.
I'd risk ev'rything Out loud!
For this kiss ev'rything
Yes I'd do anything, anything for you!
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