Friday, 11 September 2009

a tcl launcher for XQual XStudio ...

It was trivial to modify the XQual XStudio launcher for perl to work for tcl (ActiveTcl).
It is working for very simple tcl scripts with ActiveTcl 8.5 (and with modification with 8.4).

Change the perl thusly:
s/perl/tcl/gi; s/\.pl/\.tcl/g;
Tcl interpreter: C:/Tcl/bin/tclsh85.exe

It implements the same test interface as XStudio perl (and other):
* Test generates log.txt with lines including [Success] or [Failure] or [Log].
* Test is deemed complete when a file test_completed.txt is created.

Note for XQual XStudio:
* tools seems very nice to use, developer good - closed source though ...
* source code for test launchers is provided in XAgent and XStudio dir trees.
* there doesn't seem to be a Developers Guide though it is referred to (there are javadocs)
* a launcher has 4 files (e.g. for tcl) tcl.jar and tcl.xml in launchers/, tcl/ and buildTclLauncher.bat in src/*/ and build/

I've been evaluating using XQual XStudio as a test invoking tool. As opposed to Salome_tmf.

Files here:

| Class: CLauncher |
| |
| Developer: Eric Gavaldo ( |
| Jumbo |
| James Coleman ( |
| |

This file was created by changing the perl
s/perl/tcl/gi; s/\.pl/\.tcl/g;
It has been tested with ActiveTcl, tcl interpreter: C:/Tcl/bin/tclsh85.exe

It implements the same test interface as XStudio perl (and other).
Test generates log.txt with lines including [Success] or [Failure]
or [Log]. Test is deemed complete when a file test_completed.txt is created.

package com.xqual.xlauncher.tcl;

import java.util.Vector;

import com.xqual.xagent.launcher.CExecutionStep;
import com.xqual.xagent.launcher.CLauncher;
import com.xqual.xagent.launcher.CParamParsingException;
import com.xqual.xagent.launcher.CReturnStatus;
import com.xqual.xagent.launcher.runner.CRunner;
import com.xqual.xagent.launcher.runner.IRunner;
import com.xqual.xcommon.CAttribute;
import com.xqual.xcommon.IConstantsResults;
import com.xqual.xlauncher.CTimeoutListener;

* The CLauncherImpl implementation of ILauncher for Tcl.
* @author egavaldo & jumbo & jamesc
public class CLauncherImpl extends CLauncher implements IConstantsResults {

// +==============================================================+
// | Attributes |
// +==============================================================+

static final String TRACE_HEADER = "{tcl } ";

// parameters impacting executing at run time set by the test operator
private String testRootPath;
private int timeout = 600;
private String tclInstallPath;
private File tclInterpreter;

private File workingDir;

private static final String TCL_INTERPRETER_EXE = "tclsh85.exe";

// +==============================================================+
// | Constructors |
// +==============================================================+

public CLauncherImpl() {

// +==============================================================+
// | Methods |
// +==============================================================+

public CReturnStatus initialize(int sutId, String sutName, String sutVersion) {
setSutDetails(sutId, sutName, sutVersion);

// check the configuration sent by the manager

Vector executionSteps = new Vector();
try {
// retrieve the parameters we need
testRootPath = getStringParamValue("General", "Test root path");
timeout = getIntegerParamValue("General", "Asynchronous timeout (in seconds)");

tclInstallPath = getStringParamValue("Tcl", "Tcl install path");
tclInterpreter = new File(tclInstallPath + "\\" + TCL_INTERPRETER_EXE);
} catch (CParamParsingException e) {
traceln(LOG_PRIORITY_SEVERE, "parsing error during initialization");
executionSteps.add(new CExecutionStep(RESULT_FAILURE, "Exception during initialize: " + e.getMessage()));
return new CReturnStatus(RESULT_FAILURE, executionSteps);
return new CReturnStatus(RESULT_SUCCESS, executionSteps);

public CReturnStatus preRun(int testId, String testPath, String testName, Vector attributes) {
traceln(LOG_PRIORITY_INFO, "preRun testId=" + testId + " testPath=" + testPath + ":" + testName + "...");
Vector executionSteps = new Vector();
return new CReturnStatus(RESULT_SUCCESS, executionSteps);

public CReturnStatus run(int testId, String testPath, String testName, int testcaseIndex) {
traceln(LOG_PRIORITY_INFO, "run testId=" + testId + " testPath=" + testRootPath + "/" + testPath + "/" + testName + " testcaseIndex=" + testcaseIndex + "...");
Vector executionSteps = new Vector();

String scriptParentFolderPath = testRootPath + "/" + testPath + "/";
workingDir = new File(scriptParentFolderPath);

// +------------------------------------+
// | Interpret the script
// +------------------------------------+
CRunner tclRunner = new CRunner("[" + testId + "] "+ testPath + ":" + testName + "." + testcaseIndex,
tclInterpreter.toString() + " " + testRootPath + "/" + testPath + "/" + testName + ".tcl " +
"/debug " +
"/testcaseIndex=" + testcaseIndex,
short result = tclRunner.requestAction(IRunner.START_PROCESS, IRunner.DO_NOT_WAIT_END_OF_EXECUTION);
if (result == RESULT_FAILURE) {
executionSteps.add(new CExecutionStep(RESULT_FAILURE, "script interpretation failed"));
return new CReturnStatus(RESULT_FAILURE, executionSteps);

// to check if the execution completed correctly, we need to check if the "test_completed.txt" has been created
short resultTimeout = CTimeoutListener.waitForFile(new File(workingDir + "/test_completed.txt"), timeout);
if (resultTimeout != RESULT_SUCCESS) {
executionSteps.add(new CExecutionStep(RESULT_SUCCESS, "timeout of " + timeout + " seconds to execute the test case expired"));
return new CReturnStatus(RESULT_FAILURE, executionSteps);

return parseResultFile(executionSteps);

public CReturnStatus postRun(int testId, String testPath, String testName) {
traceln(LOG_PRIORITY_INFO, "postRun testId=" + testId + " testPath=" + testPath + ":" + testName + "...");
Vector executionSteps = new Vector();
executionSteps.add(new CExecutionStep(RESULT_SUCCESS, "postRun: succeeded"));
return new CReturnStatus(RESULT_SUCCESS, null);

public CReturnStatus terminate() {
Vector executionSteps = new Vector();
executionSteps.add(new CExecutionStep(RESULT_SUCCESS, "Terminate"));
return new CReturnStatus(RESULT_SUCCESS, executionSteps);

// +--------------------------+
// ¦ Utilities ¦
// +--------------------------+

private CReturnStatus parseResultFile(Vector executionSteps) {
// parse the result file to get the result and the execution steps
File resultFile = new File(workingDir + "/log.txt");
if (!resultFile.exists()) {
traceln(LOG_PRIORITY_SEVERE, "Result file not found!");
executionSteps.add(new CExecutionStep(RESULT_FAILURE, "run: result file not found!"));
return new CReturnStatus(RESULT_FAILURE, executionSteps);
} else {
executionSteps.add(new CExecutionStep(RESULT_SUCCESS, "run: result file found"));

String line, message;
boolean errorDetected = false;

try {
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(resultFile);
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fileInputStream));

while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
line = line.trim();
System.out.println(">" + line);
if (line.indexOf("[Success]")>=0) {
message = line.substring(10, line.length()); // [Success] length = 9
executionSteps.add(new CExecutionStep(RESULT_SUCCESS, message));

} else if (line.indexOf("[Failure]")>=0) {
message = line.substring(10, line.length());
executionSteps.add(new CExecutionStep(RESULT_FAILURE, message));
errorDetected = true;

} else if (line.indexOf("[Log]")>=0) {
message = line.substring(6, line.length());
executionSteps.add(new CExecutionStep(RESULT_UNKNOWN, message));

} else {
//traceln(LOG_PRIORITY_SEVERE, "unknown tag!");

} catch (Exception e) {
traceln(LOG_PRIORITY_SEVERE, "exception whle parsing the result file: " + e);
executionSteps.add(new CExecutionStep(RESULT_FAILURE, "Exception whle parsing the result file: " + e));
errorDetected = true;

if (errorDetected) {
return new CReturnStatus(RESULT_FAILURE, executionSteps);
} else {
return new CReturnStatus(RESULT_SUCCESS, executionSteps);

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