fri 7:30
flight tracker EI108.
Breakfast. Head to airport to collect mum and dad. Rav won't start. Orange jump starter does job. Moist morning. Windscreen slow to unmist. Traffic slow at our estate exit across bridge. M50 grand. Park. Wait maybe 10 mins. Two sleepy parents appear. Good form. Bring them back to our house for rest. Mum tells me lots about holiday. I leave them to breakfast.
Cycle to work 10.6k nice weather. Wind with me somewhat.
Working on clearwater enum file and dns route to IMS hub with Shaila. we get an OPTIONS to go to hub from clearwater by end of day. Also more documenting.
fri 18:20ish bike home from work. 10.6k
Epic windy driving rain From south but soft, warm.
Cycle home fri evening epic wind, driving thankfully soft sleety rain. Great fun! :-D Windy and sunny all saturday. |
Kids good watching soccer (epic conditions Bray vs Dundalk) and that 70s show. They have eaten lots of grapefruit. I drip on floor, mop, shower then cook savoury curried turkey mince with leek carrot tomato kidney beans ginger and rice. Nom. White wine w sugar!? for me.
Bedtime for girls. Wrap Maeve's finger with vinegar in cotton wool in sellotape anti wart.
Films on tv and fix puncture fionn's bike (rm failed patch, add round one, awkward spot beside valve top doesn't stick add patch around valve) and put on uniform wash. I'm reading
Girl Genius cute steampunk graphic comic these days, great fun :-).
Sat 8:15 up, hang wash, banana plus pint water, cycle gear and runners still damp, bye to kids - Maeve making loom band snakes - cycle to Marlay park. 5k. beautiful sunny day. Breezy. I was thinking it would be wet! Stretch and join in warm up exercises.
ParkRun 5k. 4:26 at 1k.
Results run#82 will be up once laptop problems sorted.
Mapmyrun result 24:51. Stitch on r side shortly after earlier than usual probably the banana plus water. Catch Derm at last 500m. Meet JamesCarroll and Derm & family. They're both off to IBM now factory moving from Sandyford. Cycle home 5k.
james coleman rode 6.13 kilometers from home to Marlay Park.
james coleman ran 5.17 kilometers in 24min:51sec
james coleman rode 5.35 kilometers from Marlay park back home
Hang clothes. Put on light wash. Maeve plays a tune on piano onto google now and after a few goes and moving down an octave we find it is
Beethoven's Für Elise. Breakfast straggled with kids. Daire has toastie. Maeve grapefruit. I oats currants museli. Daire off to gaa. K porridge. Cupcakes. Blog diary.
We look for Cathy's cat. Maeve and I collect dried grass, leaves, sticks, haws, blackberries and dandelion for gerbils.
Offering dandelion and blackberry. Red haws and grass seed heads. |
Basket of stuff collected for gerbils. Plum woods and leaves. Whitethorn/hawthorn. Grass with seed heads. |
Maeve goes visiting. I hang light wash. Start cooking lunch. Pasta in crab soup with green beans - curried! Maeve comes back. We eat. I grab Coffee also.
Great drying out today. Windy and sunny. |
Girls and I cycle to stage school. I give Maeve a backer. Kate brings ukelele. We go straight down over Bearna motorway roundabout, Kate follows us. 2.6k to school. Wind kindof with us. I meet teachers, parents and kids.
I cycle to Benildus. I act suspiciously and a very nice Polish school caretaker man opens doors and gates for me to get Daire's bike. I fix puncture at school. Rm two sharp bits of glass from tyre. Rode 4.11 km on my bike bringing Daire's bike back from Benildus after fix puncture. tough work! :-P especially up Sandyford hill. Couldn't change gears while holding other bike.
Daire and myself at home. Glance at newspaper. I go meet Kate, zoom down to school with wind. Maeve goes off on visit. Kate and I cycle home. I demonstrate front wheel wheelie and do a somersault crash! Whoops. Bounce up. Nobody saw it but Kate. Right arm got a little graze.
james coleman rode 2.80 kilometers to St Olaf's with Maeve on backer with Kate
james coleman rode 4.11 kilometers WITH Daire's bike AGAINST the wind and up Sandyford Hill. Phew.
james coleman cycle/zoomed 5.72 kilometers down to St Olaf's wit h wind and back against wind with Kate
Kate and I grab a bite to eat. Venture Scouts hike is on, Daire grabs lunch, clothing, map, money and heads off on bike. Kate & I take in clothes, do ironing, empty dishwasher. Fionn comes home. Tea. TV. Computer. Bedtimes.
TODO star maps for cubs.
DONE orange jumpstarter not charging - found another 12V DC transformer.