Collecting some info on knife use for scouts.
It is good for all scouts to earn a knife permit.
See section from the scouting trail and a knife permit .pdf docs linked from here .
Also see the try stick(see attached picture) looks like a very good exercise for anyone developing knife skills.
Knives are useful tools.
They are sharp so must be treated with respect.
How to avoid injuring yourself and others must be learned first. Blood zone.
The first aid for cuts and wounds (and shock) must be learned (RICE == Rest Ice Compression Elevate)
Information on the legal situation in Ireland:
In Ireland it is ILLGEAL to carry a knife of any size shape or form without due reason for carrying it at that time and in that location,
this includes pen knives and Leatherman’s with a blade on it.
You are permitted to carry a knife for work e.g. building, farming, fishing or activites like camping.
Knives are not permitted in public places like town centre or at school without a good reason.
It is a good idea to be aware of this law and make sure you put your knife safely away when not in use.
Knives like flick knives which are viewed as weapons only and not a tool are completely illegal in Ireland.
Offensive Weapons
Possession of knives and other articles.
9.—(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), where a person has with him in any public place any knife or any other article which has a blade or which is sharply pointed, he shall be guilty of an offence.
(2) It shall be a defence for a person charged with an offence under subsection (1) to prove that he had good reason or lawful authority for having the article with him in a public place.
(3) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (2), it shall be a defence for a person charged with an offence under subsection (1) to prove that he had the article with him for use at work or for a recreational purpose.
First aid first.
Safe use, blood zone.
Then different knife skills and uses.
Some real life Scouting rules of knives/tools.
Knives are a tool.
Respect the tool (for it's usefulness and for potential to harm).
As with all tools they can be a bit dangerous, they can damage or hurt people or equipment.
We must learn to use the tool in a safe and proper way.
The more we learn and practice with the tool the safer we are.
Scouts (or anyone) should start using knives in a safe way under supervision of parents or older Scouts/kids.
A really good place to learn how to use knives is by starting at home helping with cooking.
It is never too early or too late to learn to use a new tool!
Very young kids or beginners can start by cutting up relatively soft foods e.g. bread with regular dining table knives.
Penknives are UNFORTUNATELY easy to lose (especially on camp or in nature but also anywhere in bus/train/town(where they probably should not be!)).
So put paracord or another type of lanyard or marking on your knife.
Put your name on your knife.
Knives should never be left unattended.
Knives should be stowed away in a safe place when not in use.
It is good to loan your knife if someone needs it.
It is part of Scouting to learn to use tools and teach others to use tools.
Your knife is still your responsibility even if someone takes a loan of it.
If you take a loan of a knife then be responsible, look after it and give it back.
Be aware if you ever give a loan of your knife someone might, through no intended fault of their own, not look after it properly,
even sometimes it might be lost or damaged! :-( :-(
Accidents happen.
We will do our very best to make sure accidents do not happen.
BUT if they do happen we will handle it fairly and with good humor.
If you loan a tool to someone you must trust them to use it reasonably safely.
Observe them, If they look inexperienced or unsure then . . . .
* check what they are doing with knife
* check they are doing it in a safe manner, give them advice if they are not!
* check they know they have to respect and look after the tool and give it back to you.
* if they look like they are not safe then STOP them! Tell them what is not safe. Show them how to do it safely. Get them to do it safely.
It takes some of your time now to supervise this time but they should quickly learn to be safe.
Attitude to knives/tools and equipment
A simple useful tool is best. Knives should not be a fetish item or glorified! :-o
That sounds a bit crazy but sometimes people get obsessed about things and it's not healthy . . .
Tools should not be used to cause damage by accident or even worse intentionally ! ! :-( :-o
But it does happen sometimes, when it happens then don't worry!
We learn best by our mistakes.
As with any accident, if any damage is caused or if other in-appropriate behaviour with a knife or tool happens then:
* make the situation as safe as possible, if possible
* please PLEASE report it as soon as possible to more senior Scouts/Scout leaders/Quartermaster.
Quartermaster/leaders needs to know so equipment can be repaired/re-acquired.
Senior scouts/leaders need to know so that the behaviour can be corrected.
Scout leaders need to know even if minor incidents happen and you deal with them
(so that the Scout leaders can learn also what works for scouts and what doesn't work!)
Links . . .
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