Thursday 9 May 2024

Bambie Thug Eurovision and anti-war ogham

Fun activity: I was thinking of getting people to decode Bambie Thug's ogham. Might be quite a bit too much for younger ones ? ๐Ÿ˜€ But fun and perhaps mind opening for older ? :-7 ๐Ÿ˜ฎ pushing boundaries too much? :-p Should not have to be, but possibly wiser(and more boring) to be a bit careful around this.

Note to self correct pronouns for Bambie Thug are they/them/fae. :-) Well done to RTE newsreaders last night getting them right.

Accidental discovery of another "fun" activity: in blog html css how to rotate ogham script. :-p Holy God. jaypers. Down a twisty tight rabbit hole there we went!

In the News ... Bambie Thug changed Ogham message after EBU 'order' Official Eurovision site image has the "ceasefire" ogham. Humm, Republican Irish twitter account, some haters in the comments, #WereNotInKansasAnymore Good one for a walking debate sometime.

Tweeting ogham and tuathal/deisal

Fabulous stuff from #BambieThug @Gaeilgeoirรญ please be kind in case of errors! ᚛แš‰แš‘แšแš‘แš…แšแš”แšŒแš† แšแš… แš‰แšแš”แš‚แš‚แš“แšแš‰แš†᚜ corรณnaigh an cailleach = crown the witch. #Eurovision2024 #Ireland #CrownTheWitch #BambieThug #Eurovision

Please rotate your screen widdershins(tuathail) or your head in the opposite direction(deiseal) to enjoy the most optimal reading direction for the ogham. ᚛แš‰แš‘แšแš‘แš…แšแš”แšŒแš† แšแš… แš‰แšแš”แš‚แš‚แš“แšแš‰แš†᚜

Cool how Irish has separate words for clockwise and widdershins/sinister (not that English is short of them). Deiseal related to ar deis on the right. Ar deis, ar clรฉ on the right, on the left. Tuathal related to tuath - the people, the tribe, the territory.

tuathal, "Direction against the sun, wrong direction" "turned the wrong way" "in disorder" "~ a dhรฉanamh, to make a mistake, to blunder." Somewhat sinister indeed.

The ogham used ...

Face: ceasefire

Leg: Saoirse don Phalestine

Face: Crown the Witch

ceasefire Saoirse don Phalestine
(hmm, could be an e too many there on the end :-p
Crown The Witch Sos cogaidh agus corรณnaigh an cailleach
(for the twitter gaelgรณir hatersunhappies - ceasefire as gaeilge = Sos cogaidh)
Saoirse do Phailistรญn agus an รšcrรกin
(hoy, have we forgotten about Ukraine ? (sorry Myanmar, Sudan, elsewhere with war (and people of Russia also)


Saoirse don Phalestine
(hmm, could be an e too many there on the end :-p

᚛แš„แšแš‘แš”แšแš„แš“ แš‡แš‘แš… แššแš†แšแš‚แš“แš„แšˆแš”แš…แš“᚜

Crown The Witch

᚛แš‰แšแš‘แš’แš’แš… แšˆแš†แš“ แš’แš’แš”แšˆแš‰แš†᚜

Sos cogaidh agus corรณnaigh an cailleach
(for the twitter gaelgรณir hatersunhappies - ceasefire as gaeilge = Sos cogaidh)

᚛แš„แš‘แš„ แš‰แš‘แšŒแšแš”แš‡แš†᚜

᚛ แšแšŒแš’แš„ ᚜

᚛แš‰แš‘แšแš‘แš…แšแš”แšŒแš† แšแš… แš‰แšแš”แš‚แš‚แš“แšแš‰แš†᚜

Saoirse do Phailistรญn agus an รšcrรกin
(hoy, have we forgotten about Ukraine ? (sorry Myanmar, Sudan, elsewhere with war (and people of Russia also)

᚛แš„แšแš‘แš”แšแš„แš“ แš‡แš‘ แššแš†แšแš”แš‚แš”แš„แšˆแš”แš… แšแšŒแš’แš„ แšแš… แš’แš‰แšแšแš”แš…᚜

Oh google translate translates "crown the witch" as "corรณin an cailleach" URNNNNNNK(wrong honking sound). It should be something like tabhair corรณin don cailleach ? Or corรณnaigh an cailleach .. oh weird. the coronation in english, corรณn and corรณnaigh as Gaeilge, corรณn = crown. Which came first I wonder ?รณinรณnaigh

Ogham transliteration tools and html css stuff

Tool #1 gives transliterated and bottom to top unicode. In .css we can see this class is defined and can use e.g. in h2 tag like class=vertical.

  .vertical {
    writing-mode: tb-rl;
    transform: rotate(180deg);
Or, in table add id=ogham and in css template add this:
  #ogham td, #ogham th {
    writing-mode: tb-rl;
    transform: rotate(180deg);
} "Theme > Customize > Advanced > Add CSS > then paste your custom table css here..."
Design (on blog page) - Theme - Customize - Edit

Tool #2 transliterate latin chars to ogham: But, annoyingly, outputs images, not the unicode string. Humm. Other stuff from that website: Test test ᚛แš‹แšแšŠ แš‰แš“แšแšแš…แš” แšแšƒแš” แšแšˆแš†แš“แš‰แš“แšˆแšแš”แš‹แš”แš…᚜ = MAQ CERAN[I] AVI ATHECETAIMIN Son of Ciarรกn, descendant of the Uรญ Riaghan แš„แš“แšแš… = Seรกn


TABLE WITHOUT ID, using class=VERTICAL style where needed



Saoirse Don Phalestin'e

᚛แš„แšแš‘แš”แšแš„แš“ แš‡แš‘แš… แššแš†แšแš‚แš“แš„แšˆแš”แš…แš“᚜

᚛แš‰แšแš‘แš’แš’แš… แšˆแš†แš“ แš’แš’แš”แšˆแš‰แš†᚜

᚛แš‰แšแš‘แš’แš’แš… แšˆแš†แš“ แš’แš’แš”แšˆแš‰แš†᚜

How do we word wrap?

᚛แš‰แšแš‘แš’แš’แš… แšˆแš†แš“ แš’แš’แš”แšˆแš‰แš†᚜

P CLASS=VERTICAL แš‰แš“แšแš„แš“แšƒแš”แšแš“

H2 CLASS=VERTICAL แš‰แš“แšแš„แš“แšƒแš”แšแš“


VERTICAL and TABLEOGHAM: แš‰แš“แšแš„แš“แšƒแš”แšแš“

TABLEOGHAM: แš‰แš“แšแš„แš“แšƒแš”แšแš“

PLAIN: ᚛แš‰แš“แšแš„แš“แšƒแš”แšแš“᚜

แš„แšแš‘แš”แšแš„แš“ แš‡แš‘แš… แššแš†แšแš‚แš“แš„แšˆแš”แš…แš“

แš‰แšแš‘แš’แš’แš… แšˆแš†แš“ แš’แš’แš”แšˆแš‰แš†

᚛แš‰แšแš‘แš’แš’แš… แšˆแš†แš“ แš’แš’แš”แšˆแš‰แš†᚜

᚛แš‰แšแš‘แš’แš’แš… แšˆแš†แš“ แš’แš’แš”แšˆแš‰แš†᚜

How do we word wrap?

᚛แš‰แšแš‘แš’แš’แš… แšˆแš†แš“ แš’แš’แš”แšˆแš‰แš†᚜

Sos cogaidh agus corรณnaigh an cailleach
(for the twitter gaelgรณir hatersunhappies - ceasefire as gaeilge = Sos cogaidh)

᚛แš„แš‘แš„ แš‰แš‘แšŒแšแš”แš‡แš†᚜

᚛ แšแšŒแš’แš„ ᚜

᚛แš‰แš‘แšแš‘แš…แšแš”แšŒแš† แšแš… แš‰แšแš”แš‚แš‚แš“แšแš‰แš†᚜


This blog page was brought to you, from and with thanks to, google translate, stackoverflow, foclรณir gaeilge-bearla, wikipedia, etymonline and various others.

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