Friday 21 December 2012

home media photos and music. collecting bits and apps.

We would like a photo frame slideshow. And a music player (with decent sound and easy selection of music). And I was also looking at things to play internet radio.

We have a cute QNAP NAS (serves mounts, iTunes) and wireless network.

A tablet with a nice place to dock it and speakers would do the job. If we can get a couple of apps.

First up streaming music player. Skifta looks good. Already tried it on phone and easy setup. Simple interface to play music. Doesn't do photo slideshow, just allows photo browsing. Qualcomm. Cute slogan. "Skifta - May your stuff be with you."
Good philosophy. Also makes  easy to stream music to a different device.

I tried MediaHouse before on phone. It does the job also, plays music. Browses photos. Interface a bit clunkier but more options.

On the server side, some of my music files need to be cleaned up and metadata added :-7

Next. Digital Photo Frame.
Hmmm. Would like to play over wireless.
Need to search more for playing wireless and liking/selecting photos, making playlists etc.

We will also be  able to play music from internet.
Pandora is a spotify clone? Or more? Or less?

Internet Radio. xiialive looks shiny AOR A Online Radio

And of course it being a tablet it can do a bit more fondleslabby wondrousness.  Games, music/sound, youtube, internet, family calendar, Skype, ... oh dear.

Being an Android tablet we need to build a photo frame / music playing docking station. Humm. Wood? Sugru? :)

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