Wednesday 19 November 2014

Fashion App Stylechat and Openmind Netowrks Golgi. And Polyvore User/CEO Jess Lee.

The Stylechat app is using Openmind Netowrks Golgi communications engine.
"StyleChat will use Golgi’s intelligent delivery engine to enable in-app messaging, actionable notifications and real-time updates."
Interesting :)
I work in Openmind.

And the following is interesting. Jess Lee while working at Google started using Polyvore - a fashion online picture+link clip set making tool and sharing network. She sent in detailed description of bugs and feature reports. Moved to work on Polyvore and has now become CEO.

How One Startup Found Success by Making an Obsessive User Its CEO 

Makes sense. Power users themselves are the best developers and designers for any app or product.

Some other Jess Lee and Polyvore links:

Polyvore started as a home improvements clip-set app/tool.

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