Friday 11 January 2019

mobiles, screen time, scout code of conduct resources

Dig out these:

 cubs_code of conduct2010.pdf​​
 SDGs_Youth_Resource _Pack.pdf​​

Mobile phones are a bit aof a pain to manage @ scout meetings/activities . . . 
 but . . humm . .
"Books liberated me from a narrow world when I was young. Phones and laptops do the same job today"
He makes a good point.
He compares phone use nowadays with reading years ago.
He had disapproval from his parents when he was a kid due to his reading.
I loved reading and downtime too as a kid in the 80s,90s ireland.
I guess too much of anything is not good in a way but loads of downtime is a good thing to have.
We are very wealthy with opportunities, some of us, so we can afford to reduce screen time and add in other actiuvities. But if you do not have external opportunities screen time might be as close as you can get to escape . . . that said . . . it depends what actiovities are done on the phone.
take a break from social media
follow real people
Social media profile is like window dressing.
If you have no true content behind it then what's the point you won't be successful.
You need to work on core skills, art, something real first then create something rare and of worth then build profile around it.  Be like the Mona Lisa,  "To drive home his point, Godin points to the Mona Lisa:"
“The Mona Lisa has a huge social media presence. Her picture is everywhere. But she doesn’t tweet. She’s big on social media because she’s an icon, but she’s not an icon because she’s big on social media.”

Resource on Troop Code of Conduct, from Scouting Ireland scout team:

Code of Conduct
A code of conduct is a simple guide to how you would
like your patrols and troop to run. It is a short easily
understood list which all scouts contribute to making.
Here are some points to consider when your making
out our Code of Conduct:
• It should be a general set of ideas, rather than a long
very detailed list. It is more important to agree on
principles rather than making up rules.
• It should be a list of positive and affirmative
• The Code should be based on the Scout Promise and
Law, as these are the main values of Scouting
• Every scout should contribute to the Code. Discuss
the Code in your patrols, then the PLs’ Council can
come with a draft code which the Patrols review and
decide on.• Every scout should receive a copy and should agree
to follow the Code. Also, a copy should be taken
home by each scout so their family understands it
as well.
• The PLs and Scouters should agree a system for
what happens if there are repeated breaches of the
Code by a scout or scouts.
• A new code should be made every year.
Sample points for a Code of Conduct:
• Scouts are respectful of themselves and others
• Everyone will try their best
• Scouts help each other
• Every Scout has a role in their Patrol
• The troop welcomes all members and treats them
• It is important for each Scout to attended and get
involved in meetings and activities
• All areas and places are left clean and tidy after use

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