Tuesday 27 October 2020

Glue and solder, fixing some techie bits

Kate's glasses, fix with teeny torx screw taken from old mobile phone.

Rubber handle on knife glued with gorilla glue.

Brush handle gorilla glue fix. 2 shards from handle turned up. One in fruit bowl. One in bike tyre that has been hanging around kitchen.

Bike phone holder, glued rubber onto broken plastic interior threaded tension arm, hopefully will make it hold better.

Usb chargable bike light. Plastic snapped apart using sharp knife, potato peeler. The led array part, one leg was snapped, broken connection. Charged it up. Holding broken leg down allowed light to operate. When soldering other leg broke! So soldered both legs, plastic snapback together .. use vaseline ? Waterproof? Not sure. Protect with duct tape.

Bikemate rear light 3.7V 800mAh, micro usb charging port pins inside are mashed, cannot charge. Very difficult to disassemble. Heat middle metal sheath then lever off top red light stiff plastic & bottom softer black plastic. TODO. going to be quite difficult to fix, unsoldering and replacing port, myeh, maybe, just add 2/3 wires and expose them charge with croc clips maybe.

MTB front derailleur removed. It stays in gear, pretty much. 

Hybrid bike rear derailleur realigned using pliers wrench holding sprockets, technique a bit cave man ish, it's not skipping some gears any more so phew, relief, happy days.

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