Thursday 11 March 2010

scribus usage notes

In middle of getting everything together for My Fair Lady programme.

Make it easier to convert whole document from A4 to A5 would be nice.
Use document settings and change to A5.
But then need to manually select all on page (click on page and ctrl-A)
and resize.
 Would be very useful:
  Command to select all on each page and fit/scale into page.
 Command to fix errors on page where stuff go outside page would be nice.

Resized to A5 and margins 40 40 40 40 stayed same.
 In view don't see that you'r eusing margins.

Resized to A5, then resized pages manually (difficult, move and  snap to grid/guidelines, but quite  manual). Then PDF generation has artifacts from adjoining pages, I think where a page goes outside it's own border or margin.

Progress from day before:

Import in PDF/image good.
Someone sent an image in word doc :-7
Could print to image writer and printed greyscale tiff, then converted to jpeg.

Editing text is painful.
In-situ or in text editor.
Ctrl-I to italicize and other shortcuts would be nice.

Flow of content from page to page would be nice.

Adds coming in now and being added.
TODO: last few bios, all mugshots, get pictures right (caption etc also)
 copyright requirements

1 comment: said...

These facts are really interesting. Few of them were well known for me but many of them were brand new for me too!
I will print this one out and show to my friends because they will be definitely interested in that. Thanks!