Friday 17 November 2023

Pioneering for Scouts and Cub Scouts - Ladders. A-Frames. Tripods. Make then and climb on them use them.

Start with simple but satisfying and fun pioneering projects e.g. Ladder. A-Frames. Tripods. It is very important to really USE the item made. Climb on it. Carry people with it. Have fun.

There is enough for lots of programme here but danger of information overload!

Pick one thing to try at a time.


Patrol Challenge: A-Frame Transport Race

A-Frame rope walker

Patrol Challenge: Ladder Building Activity

Also can use ladder as stretcher. Ladder as chariot (drag one end).

A 'pole' ladder is the more traditional type of ladder. This simply involves choosing two strong spars of the required length and attaching rungs at regular intervals using a square lashing. One important thing to note is that the two main uprights are not parallel to each other. They should be angled inwards towards each other as you go to the top of the ladder. This will prevent the rungs from slipping downwards.

I suggest that you test the strength of each rung (and lashing) carefully before using the ladder.


pioneering.pdf Classic Pioneering doc, pictures of Bridges, Catapults, Towers, Gadgets. 2 copies are printed out in pioneering folder in scout press(good luck finding it though! :-P 

pionprojects.pdf and funwithropes.pdf Older docs 50s/60s quite good. Lots more text description.

pioneer4patrol.pdf including Trestle chariot race.

knots_knot_notes.pdf Nice pictures of 15 knots and explanation of use. Quiz at the end.

HOW this can work at your scout Camp or Meeting


1. Pick one thing like making a ladder and plan one or more games that could be done with the ladder/thing that is made.

2. Have a look at resource/video can help you and can share with other Scouters so they know the plan.

3. Find a picture of what you want Scouts to make (to help explain - have a print out or find in scout press or have on your phone).


DO a safety talk while fallen in or in circle: (make it quick)

    Ask the Scouts themselves how to do the activity/later challenge/game safely 

    Remind Scouts of usual rules not too many in stores at same time (limit ?2 per patrol). 
    Remind Scouts that camp/pioneering area is work area, everyone should be alert and watching out for spars/tools swinging / catapults being unleashed / splinters / things flying through air / ...

    Check with Scouts do they know first aid for - head injury / other ...

Brief Sixers/Seconders/PLs/APLs on what the project is. (show them picture)

   Remind them to build project well - there will be a challenge to use it after,

   Remind them to keep patrol working and ask for Scouter support.

   Remind Sixers/PLs to lead by example work-wise but they are a Leader so their first task is to keep their patrol Working/Happy/Spirit/Engaged (Scouters keep and eye and help with this also where needed but without making it obvious)

Delegate it to Sixers/Seconders/PLs/APLs to get started, figure out what they need, get stuff from stores and to Scouters to help keep people safe. Scouters can dive in and help where needed but hands-off is better.

Trust your scouts to be safe but also monitor and remind them and adjust things if something looks dangerous.

Teach people who don't know knots/lashings (this is a challenge - Scouters can help here also)

Keep everyone in Six/Patrol working/happy/engaged.

If interest is waning then encourage to stick with it and encourage to go faster and get things completed.

Added challenge might be to time the build, also Scouters evaluate how the Six/Patrol is working - leadership from Sixer/Seconder/PL/APL - team work from all the Six/Patrol - work ethic - neatness - working safely - and Quality of lashings and end product.


Brief the Sixers/PLs at start of each game. Stop and review/change things with Scouts input if something is not working or is dangerous.

Stand the thing up - Patrol making it secure - and put 1 or more Scouts on it.

Run the game like chariot race / stretcher race / Alligator crossing / ...

Review and escalate the challenge, make it more difficult. Make course longer, add more turns. Finish up with EPIC course outside fire exit, over to fence by road, UP onto the bank and along, around a tree, back into hall by front door. SCOUTERS be ready to supervise each patrol and guard hall entrances.

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