Tuesday 18 May 2010

girls and computer, turtle and photos

Girls did some photo browsing and turtle.
Maeve asked could she do turtle on computer again!
I thought she'd forgotten it.
Thus ensued some turtling for Maeve.
Busy evening.
Leop. Heights kids soccer tournament on. So Kate was playing (in the rain).
Fionn went up with her but also on phone arranging meeting DunLaoghaire CoCo somebody.
 Please don't chop trees. + Parking/Transport.
I was logging into work software upgrade and kicking off tests.
 So Maeve did a bit more turtling.
Fionn home & Maeve into pyjamas and back down on computer while I go get Daire.
When I get back Daire to soccer, Kate comes back.
Kate changed pencolor to 0,0,888 and then 8888888,0,0!
We took some photos then synched my mobile photos to computer.
Then bedtime story and bed.
We've missed the boat for World Play Day Ubuntu Women Girls and Computers Gallery though :-7

The girls' turtle prog as it was left last this eve.
Method change a number, hit play loads of times, repeat.

#pencolor 255,255,0
pencolor 888888,0,0
repeat 1 {
#forward 27
forward 127
tl 90
fw 61
tl 10
fw 10
tl 33
fw 10
tr 66
fw 10
tr 90
fw 10
tr 10
fw 10

This photo is a bit older. Kate driving at that moment. Kids sharing computer! :-o :-) They're looking at photos on facebook of cousins in Australia. 

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